The league president oversees all elements of the league. As the chief administrator, the league president selects and appoints managers, coaches, umpires, and committee members. However, all appointments are subject to final approval by the league’s Board of Directors. Assists in coordinating the leagues practice schedules according to field availability and coaches scheduling preferences. Coordinates field scheduling when rain dates occur. The president presides over the league’s meetings and assumes full responsibility for the operations of the league. The president receives all mail, supplies and communication from the District and Little League International. The president must see to it that the league personnel are properly instructed on all rules, regulations, and policies of Little League. Importantly, the league President is the officer with whom Little League International and the District maintains contact and holds accountable for the entire local operation of your league; handles all communications from the District or Little League International concerning disciplinary matters, umpire coverage/communication, and post season play.
Vice President
Presides over meetings in the absence of the president; collaborates with other officers and board members to ensure the best decisions are being made for the league. Will carry out duties and assignments delegated by the President, which do not need to be handled specifically by the President. Assists in properly instructing personnel in understanding the rules, regulations, and policies of Little League. Assists the President in the day-to-day operations of the league. Assists the President with coordinating practice schedules and field availability.
The League Secretary is the member who is in charge of records, correspondence, minutes of meetings, and related affairs of the organization. The Secretary will also maintain any files, mailing list, or necessary records for the local league. The League Secretary is responsible for the overall record keeping of the league to help ensure that accurate records are maintained. Assists in collection of the required forms for all player and volunteer participants that are required by the District. The minutes of board meetings are documented and kept by the secretary to ensure transparency by the league’s Board of Directors. The secretary is responsible for collecting player required documentation to provide the District for all post season tournament play.
The Treasurer is responsible for the financial condition of the local league and providing monthly or periodic updates to the board about the finances. The Treasurer handles the income and expenses of the league and properly tracks and records them. The Treasurer needs to keep solid financial records which includes approval for all purchases and requirement of receipts and order forms (if possible) for all transactions, no matter the size of the purchase. The Treasurer signs checks which are co-signed by the President; dispenses league funds as approved by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer can be asked to prepare budgets for the league, and they accept responsibility for all the league finances.
Player Agent
The Player Agent along with the President and Vice President conducts annual tryouts for placement in the divisions prior to season start and oversees player selection. For tryouts, the Player Agent will ensure notification of the date, time, and location is communicated to all player candidates and prepares the tryout list that coaches will use to evaluate players. The Player Agent assists the President in checking birth records and eligibility of players; and supervises the transfer of players to or from the Minor Leagues according to provisions of the regulations of Little League. It is the responsibility of the Player Agent to ensure no coach is mishandling their roster and that all players are treated equally. A Player Agent is responsible, along with the League President to verify and attest to each tournament team’s player age and residency in accordance with Little League regulations.
Safety Officer
The Safety Officer coordinates all safety activities, ensures safety in player training; and ensures safe playing conditions. The Safety Officer coordinates reporting and prevention of injuries; solicits suggestions for making conditions safer; reports suggestions to Little League International through the league President and prepares the ASAP plan for submission to Little League International. The Safety Office ensures all teams in the league are provided with a First Aid kit. The Safety Officer will prepare a safety plan each year for the league and make sure that the plan is used. A Safety Awareness Program (ASAP) will be prepared and submitted to Little League International each year.
Umpire-in-Chief (U.I.C.)
Serves as coordinator of and advises the league President on the league umpire program; responsible for recommending umpires to the league President for appointment to the league umpire roster. Responsible for recruiting and retaining volunteer umpires; establishing a league umpire training program consistent with Little League® guidelines; coordinating and assisting with conducting umpire clinics at league and district level. Responsible for communicating rule changes to league umpires; scheduling league umpires for regular season games; evaluating league umpires using established guidelines to maintain program integrity.
League Information Officer
The League Information Officer sets up and manages league’s official website, and social media pages. Responsible for setting up online registration and monitors the registrations and payments. Provides President, Vice President and Player agent the registration information for team selection. The Information Officer ensures the league rosters are uploaded to Little League; and assigns online administrative rights to other approved members. Encourages creation of team web sites for managers, coaches, and parents. Responsible for collecting, posting, and distributing important information on league activities including dissemination of fundraising and sponsor activities to Little League, the district, the public, league members, and the media. Sends out correspondence to the league members for fundraisers, sponsorship, events, registration, and general information. Sends out information to coaches pertaining to scheduling from District and internal scheduling. Provides player, coach, and manager records to Little League International in electronic format.
Coaching Coordinator
The Coaching Coordinator represents coaches/managers in league; presents a training budget to the board to gain the support and funds necessary to implement a league training program. Responsible for ordering and distributing training materials to players, coaches, and managers; coordinates mini-clinics as necessary. Serves as the contact person for Little League and its manager-coach education. Receives and distributes coaching information from Little League International and distributes it to all coaches and managers. Is a point of contact for coaches/managers in the league that have questions concerning rules and regulations or general concerns.