Would you like to advertise where there is heavy foot traffic?
Would you like your ad to be seen by many local and non-local visitors alike?
Join with Gettysburg Little League
and purchase a sturdy 4 ft. x 8 ft. vinyl sign that will hang on our outfield fences at the Gettysburg Rec. Park!

example - 4 ft. x 8 ft. GLL sign
Once your sign is created, it will hang during the remainder of our seasons that year for all to see!
(*If purchased by our January deadline, it'll hang during our spring, summer and fall seasons!)
For more information on signs or other sponsorship opportunities, click here for our SPONSORSHIPS flyer!
Email us at [email protected] with any questions
Thank you for supporting our local kids!

GLL signs on Little League Field 1 - Spring 2015